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Mason Malmuth’s Generous Donation To 22Q Foundation

Mason Malmuth 22QMason Malmuth of Two Plus is a man of integrity and honor. The recent unsavory saga of John Sepulveda’s scam against the 22Q Foundation charity fundraiser has had many heart wrenching twists and turns.

So many good people in the poker community and at large have been sickened and saddened by what occurred.

Well Mason Malmuth has made a very kind and very generous offer to make up the shortfall caused by Johnny Sep’s misdeeds.

Here is Mason’s post from Two Plus Two:

22Q Donation Announcement

“Hi Everyone:

It’s my understanding that the shortfall to the 22Q Charity is approximately $2,500. I would like for the 22Q Charity to confirm this number and then I will make a personal donation to them for that amount.

I also want to state that my donation is in no way a substitute for any money that the scammer may have taken and assuming he did take, he should still be responsible for that.

Best wishes,


Source: Mason Malmuth Two Plus Two

This warm gesture speaks to Mason Malmuth’s fine character as a man. In an atmosphere of shoot the messenger and false CYA accusations flying back and forth it’s important to remember that Mason and moderator Professionalpoker had absolutely nothing to do with this fraud. Yet they were vilified for simply having and stating a wise forum policy.

Mason Malmuth has reminded us that it’s really all about the kids. I was moved by his generosity and humbled as I realized the true measure of a man is not what some might write about him online but rather that man’s actions and the way he conducts his business and his life.


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