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Todd Witteles Rejected By Female Poker Player Who Refused To Meet Him At WSOP

Todd Witteles cyber stalker
“I promise never to record a visit to your residence.”

Todd Witteles, who has a well documented history as a serial cyber harasser and stalker, recently used his poker forum to invite female poker player “SplitThis” to meet him at this year’s WSOP in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Todd had a thread on his poker forum titled “Post here if you are going to play the 2014 WSOP”. “SplitThis” posted in the thread:

Splitthis Todd Witteles
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“SplitThis” had posted her WSOP trip report on the forum last year and was announcing she would do so again.

Todd Witteles who uses the name “Dan Druff” on his forum responded with this creepy post.

Todd Witteles creepy sleazy
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“SplitThis” makes it crystal clear she does not want to meet with Todd Witteles.

Woman rejects Todd Witteles
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She is referring to Todd Witteles‘ well documented episode of stalking his critic, poker forum legend “Marty” by spying on his home with a video camera in hand. Todd recorded Marty’s home and surrounding area then posted the video on YouTube. I wrote about the incident here.

Here’s how Todd responded along with SplitThis’ follow up post where she tells Witteles “…it ain’t happening…”.

Todd Witteles stalker
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Todd acts confused and perplexed with his next post. This serial cyber harasser and stalker actually asked for an explanation.

Todd Benjamin Witteles
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Todd Witteles cyber stalker
Would you meet with Todd “I promise never to record a visit to your residence.” Witteles in Las Vegas?

Perhaps “SplitThis” is worried and refused to meet Todd Witteles because she is familiar with some of the facts about Todd’s long history of cyber harassment and stalking against victims who happened to write, say or do something that upset him.

I gave examples of six other victims who have been trashed, defamed, harassed, lied about and cyberstalked by Todd in my recent article, “Todd Witteles Portrait Of A Cyberstalker Part 3 Has Long Ugly History Of Sleazy Behavior“.

Three of those casualties were women including one, “Toots777” who did agree to meet with Todd Witteles. That meeting ended disastrously as I reported in my article linked above.

Can you imagine what would happen if “SplitThis” agreed to meet Todd Witteles and Todd was offended by something she said or did? “SplitThis” was a wise woman to reject his WSOP meet up invitation.

6 thoughts on “Todd Witteles Rejected By Female Poker Player Who Refused To Meet Him At WSOP

  1. This is just sad. This Todd Witteles seems like a true monster. A real psychopath. I wouldn’t eve want to get tangled up with this guy, ever. He is a true passive aggressive type. Once he realized that he can’t get what he wants out of you, he turns on you.

    One day our children may be reading about this Todd Witteles in a a text book. He is almost like Ted Bundy. He sounds like a human being on the radio show he does, but once he is a true Internet psychopath, and seems like a horrific person in real life, too. I have read stories about this monster, and how he treats regular working people. He battles to the end of the earth if he feels that he somehow didn’t get the best of a normal everyday interaction that most people shrug off. He is a taker, not a giver. Has he ever just accepted a small injustice and taken one for the “team”. The “team” being humanity itself. This pathetic goon is really just a typical bully, bulldozing others as he makes his way through his miserable life, and not caring for one moment whose lives he ruins.

    Shame on you, Todd Witteles!

    1. I doubt Todd Witteles is a serial killer but it’s difficult to argue with the rest of your comment.

  2. This is another perfect example of Todd Witteles’ narcissistic personality disorder.The best way to deal with this man is ‘avoidance’.to protect the safety of yourself and your family.

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