Todd Witteles Portrait Of A Cyberstalker Part 1

Table of Contents
Todd Witteles Shows His True Character
This is a sad strange tale about a sad strange man, Todd Witteles, owner of Poker Fraud Alert. Todd Witteles was displeased with some reporting I did about him and his small poker forum.
That was over a year ago. I didn’t write another article about Todd Wittles until his recent embarrassing “poker fraud alert” blunder and subsequent banning from Two Plus Two poker forum.
Todd had published an article under his forum name “Dan Druff” that falsely accused someone of theft. He was forced to “edit” his article. It was the subject of a long thread on 2 + 2 and elsewhere. I mentioned these facts in a brief Todd Witteles update a few weeks ago.
In the past year I’ve written about Greg Raymer, online poker sites, poker forums, Mason Malmuth, Russ Hamilton, Annie Duke, Greg Pierson, Freddy Deeb, Paul Leggett, Daniel Negreanu, Drexel, Chinamaniac, Marco Valerio, Marcel Luske and other members of the poker community.
But one brief update caused Todd Wittles to ratchet up his long ongoing campaign of, what definitely feels to me, harassment, cyberstalking and extortion. I just reported the facts about an interesting series of events surrounding a scandal that blew up in and around Witteles’ poker forum, incongruously named Poker Fraud Alert.
The scandal I uncovered was a series of scams and frauds run by John Sepulveda, aka Jasep, aka JohnnySep. Not once did I accuse Todd Witteles of complicity in Jasep’s frauds.
Background On Jasep Scandal
This is important because Todd keeps repeating the lie that I accused him of partaking in Jasep’s frauds. Recently he again spread this falsehood with this post on his forum:
“…(Six Toed Pete) reporting the “truth” about my complicit behavior with scammers.” Dan Druff
What I really said was “I don’t believe Todd Wittles knew what … John Sepulveda was doing”.
Todd Witteles Fails To Find Anything Untruthful In My Articles
Todd Witteles can’t point to any article I wrote here where I accused him of scamming people with Jasep. Todd repeats that lie to anyone who will listen but it is not true.
I have repeatedly offered Todd to correct any mistake, any error…anything that is not truthful and accurate in my STP articles about him. I gave him plenty of time and the offer still stands.
Todd even recently published my offer on Poker Fraud Alert. Under the offer he replied that he wasn’t going to read all my “libelous” articles to discover any factual errors.
Think about that. Is he admitting he didn’t even read what I wrote about him? If so, why cyber stalk and harass a man who wrote something about you that you didn’t even completely read?
Todd wants to bargain his cyberstalking hate campaign of slander and libel for my removal of truthful, honest articles about him. That’s extortion and I will never agree to extortion.
What I did cover is the interesting angle surrounding Todd’s astonishing failure to vet or sniff out a convicted felon who was running con games for a long time right under Todd’s nose.
Sure I understand Drexel, Chinamaniac, KevMath, Pikachar and others were duped by Jasep. The difference…and it’s a huge one…is that those guys did not present themselves as “The Chief Of Poker Fraud Police”.
Self Appointed Poker Fraud Czar
Todd Witteles did. He appointed himself the Poker Fraud Alert Czar. He took the moral high ground as the expert in exposing fraud in the poker community. His credentials for such a lofty title amounted to a fortuitous yet serendipitous appearance on a popular national news program years ago about online poker site scams.
His 15 minutes of “fame” went to his head. That is the angle I ran with when I wrote those articles about Todd Witteles. How could that not be an interesting topic?
I discovered and broke the Jasep scandal. I knew Todd had failed as a poker fraud alert “expert”. That is a good story. Plus more research revealed that the Poker Fraud Alert membership is chock-full of fraudsters, criminals, scams and bottom-feeders of the poker community. More compelling irony that needed to be told.
Poker Fraud Czar Doxxes Critic

Remember, as I was researching this hornet’s nest of material, Todd and Jasep were plastering my personal, private, copyright protected information all over their respective poker forums and poker podcasts. My family members information, including private photos and work information appeared on their websites. Todd Witteles is guilty of doxxing me and my family members.
What Todd is doing today is not new. He’s been harassing me for over a year. The reason he and Jasep started the hate and harassment campaign had nothing to do with “scam” activities they falsely claimed I was involved in. I was communicating with Jasep and Todd at that time. I know they were communicating with each other.
Witteles Sided With Jasep And Rejected The Truth
Jasep knew I was on to something about his activities and his past because I told him. Perhaps he contacted Todd and Todd believed him. I’m not sure what they discussed about me but I know Todd did not believe me.
Todd’s PMs to me at that time were dismissive about my concerns for my privacy. Perhaps he sided with Jasep because Todd had invested so much time with his part time radio guest host. I’m not sure but I know he turned against me right in the middle of my Jasep research. He came up with a ridiculous reason to ban me and then harassed me mercilessly.
Todd’s Harassment Campaign Backfires
Did he think that would stop my research and reporting on the brewing Jasep scandals? I don’t know but it had the opposite effect.
The Failed Poker Fraud Cop Angle
I had the Jasep story but now I also had the Todd Witteles fraud cop failure angle too. It didn’t help that Todd, who had taken the moral high ground, was harassing me with his ever increasing cyber stalking. “Honest” Todd threw out his PFA Terms Of Service when it came to me.
Todd’s cyber bullying, stalking and harassment campaign against me has become a related topic to his failures as a poker fraud expert because he uses these illegal and morally repugnant tactics to silence his critics.
Todd Witteles Has Harassed Many Other People Who Criticized Him
He has a history of this type of shameful behavior. Witteles has done it numerous times to silence others.
Contrary to the defamatory claims by Todd I never made any money in a gifting scheme and not a dime selling a Xbox report. In any case affiliate marketing is a perfectly legitimate endeavor. I did start an anti-internet fraud website warning others about internet scams and chicanery. That was many years ago and that website was well received and popular..
Todd Witteles’ Hypocrisy
I have nothing against affiliate marketing or website advertising when done properly. As Todd mentioned the Xbox guide during one of his phone calls I told him I never made a dime with that. However I immediately pointed out his hypocrisy by telling him he offered the same or similar affiliate products on his forum Poker Fraud Alert.
“I do not!” he replied. But he did and I showed him where. Todd had a display banner for affiliate marketing from Amazon on his poker forum. It’s a simple click to find the exact same type of guide and kits he attributed to me, on the Amazon affiliate banner ad he displayed. “Oh yeah, you’re right” he said, “I never thought about that”. He promised to remove the dishonest Xbox posts about me and agreed I never scammed anyone with the stuff plastered all over Poker Fraud Alert.
Todd Witteles Lied
Todd did not keep his promise. He broke his word. He still hammers me with dishonest posts about affiliate marketing he is currently involved with. Todd Witteles advertises a company on his poker forum that offers cash gifting, Xbox repair and business credit products! Such hypocrisy.
Contrary to Todd’s slurs I am not senile. I lead a quiet life and I don’t bother anyone. What I wrote about Todd Witteles is true. I have not done anything to deserve the harassment Todd has heaped upon me.
Check Out Part 2 Portrait Of A Cyberstalker
This is the end of part one of a multi-part report on Todd Witteles’ cyber stalking and harassment campaign against me. Future installments will include:
- Todd’s threats to email, phone, contact my family and friends.
- Actual email content referring to my Mom and Dad in the most vile terms imaginable.
- A comment posted two days ago from Thousand Oaks ,CA that is very similar to the hate emails I received about my parents.
- Why I was genuinely worried about what lies Todd would send to my family.
- Why if you ever used the same PW for your Poker Fraud Alert account and an email account you should immediately change it.
- The series of harassing phone calls Todd made to my family members and what was really said (Todd’s posts about the calls are not true).
- Todd’s harassing texts to my family.
- Todd’s repeated Spoof Card harassing calls to me that show one of my family member’s phone number on the caller ID.
- Anonymous harassing phone calls I receive.
- What Todd’s cyberstalking has done to my health and how angry my family is with his actions.
- A cable company investigation into Todd Witteles.
…and so much more.
Read Todd Witteles Portrait Of A Cyberstalker Part 2 Here
Read Todd Witteles Portrait Of A Cyberstalker Part 3 Has Long Ugly History Of Sleazy Behavior Here
Rainman gonna rain
It seems so.
Well written.
Thank you Snuffy.
This is very disturbing behaviour from Todd Witteles.
He seems very obsessed with you and the reporting of so many scandals…
Good Luck dealing with this mental case, Todd Witteles.
I agree it is very disturbing. He has a history of this type of behavior.
TODD WITTELES is such a scumbag. TODD WITTELES thinks he can control the internet and I for one am glad that 6TP is standing up to that bully.
He is a cyber bully.
This guy TODD WITTELES sounds like a scumbag. He’s obviously trying to retaliate after you exposed him… Good journalism STP.
Thank you. Todd tilted when I revealed the truth.
Peter, another well written article. I hope this psychopath Witteles guy gets the help he needs before he hurts someone. You should consider contacting law enforcement and get the biggest scumbag of poker locked up. He can’t silence you and it appears he is going to extreme illegal measures to silence the truth. Looking forward to part II.
Thank you. I can’t say he’s a psychopath but his actions against me are those of a very strange person.
Todd Witeles is a hypocrite. He reveals other peoples info, but when you mention his father “Abe”, he goes ballistic. He is a poker has been trying to stay relevant. He is the embarrassment of the family. His brother Ron and sister Jodi put him to shame.
I agree. Todd’s cyberstalking and defamatory hate campaign reeks of hypocrisy.
Todd has been stalking his critics for years. He honestly makes my skin crawl
Noahsd, you are correct. He is a very strange man.
you speak the truth.
Thank you.
Todd Witteles (Dan Druff) is doing the same thing to me. Todd is stalking me on facebook. I’m not why he became fixated on me, but he is scaring me and my children.
I filed a police report against Todd Witteles. Other people have also filed police reports against Todd Witteles. He is a single 46 year old lonely childless man who lives alone and loses all his money at the poker table. He lives in a rented apartment. He’s a broke, lonely, loser.
Thank you for your comment. I’m sorry to hear he has victimized you and your family. Please keep me updated.
I think that guy Todd Witteles is retarded with down syndrome and gambles his disability money. Watch this video.
He looks and acts retarded from the way he moves and the way he talks. He has down syndrome.
He’s also an asshole and he stalks people. He’s stalking my friend on facebook. Police reports are in place against this Todd Witteles.
Watch the facebook video about Todd Witteles.
I agree Todd Witteles is a stalker who in my opinion has committed criminal acts during his harassment campaigns against me and others. I’m sure you’re upset with Witteles’ shameful and wicked behavior but I don’t see evidence of a genetic chromosome disorder in the above video. Although he certainly comes across as an odd character, he does make a couple of plausible criticisms of that year’s WSOP. Unfortunately the Card Player reporter does not offer Jack Effel’s side of the story.
Hey, how can someone get in touch with you to discuss that Todd Witteles guy. Seems he hasn’t learned his lessons. Also, were police reports filed against his cyberstalking, harassment, threats, doxxing etc,etc
I’m sorry but not surprised to hear that. I know he’s had problems in the past few years. What’s he up to these days to make you say he hasn’t learned his lessons? You can reach me at